Welcome to Healthproducts 2: From health products to rife machines

Raw Food Diet

This information is sourced from Natural Cures.   The raw food diet is a food plan that can have great benefits. After a few months of following a whole foods diet, NO GMOs,  one can then transition into a high level raw or 100% raw food diet, as desired. This diet is composed of raw and

Lung Cancer

  This information is sourced from Natural Cures.  Zapper and Rife frequencies are at the end of this article.   Lung Cancer Introduction: Cancer is not a single disease with a single cause and a single type of treatment. There are more than 200 different types of cancer, each with its own name and treatment. Although cells in different

Heart Disease

This information is sourced from Natural Cures.  Rife and Zapper frequencies for the heart are many.  You can see them at www.rifeandzappers.com   Overview:  ?Heart, or cardiovascular, disease is responsible for nearly half of all deaths in the United States each year, killing nearly one million people each year, and afflicting over 60 million others.

Breast Cancer

This information was sourced from Natural Cures.  Rife and Zapper frequencies are at the end of this article.   Breast Cancer Introduction: Cancer is not a single disease with a single cause and a single type of treatment. There are more than 200 different types of cancer, each with its own name and treatment. Although cells in different parts


   This information was sourced from Natural Cures.  Rife and Zapper frequencies are at the end of this article. Definition Anxiety is a sense of fear and, in some cases, a feeling of impending doom. The term anxiety disorder refers to a category of disturbances that includes generalized anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, and obsessive-compulsive

Anti-inflammatory Diet

This information is sourced from Natural Cures The Standard American Diet (SAD), high in fat, high in red meat and high in processed foods is likely to increase inflammation. However, switching to a healthy anti-inflammatory diet made up of organic, fresh, whole foods that contain the right type of fats (Omega-3 essential fatty acids found

Sitz Bath

This information is sourced from Natural Cures.   The sitz bath, a form of localized hydrotherapy, is an easy, relatively quick solution for increasing blood flow to specific parts of the body. One of the benefits of localized treatments is they can easily be done multiple times per day.  Sitz baths frequently focus on the

Heart Disease – Page 2

This information is sourced from Natural Cures – Due to the many and varied conditions of the heart please go to www.rifeandzappers.com for the Rife and Zapper frequencies. Natural Cures The following guidelines are effective for both reversing and preventing heart disease: Aromatherapy: The essential oils of garlic, lavender, peppermint, marjoram, rose, and rosemary can help

Hiatal Hernia

This information is sourced from Natural Cures.  Rife and Zapper frequencies are at the end of this article. Definition:  ?Hiatal hernia is a condition caused when the area where the stomach and esophagus (the opening of the diaphragm) is stretched.  This causes the upper part of the stomach to push up into the chest cavity.

Heartburn (Acid Reflux)

This information was sourced from Natural Cures.   Overview  ?Heartburn is a condition characterized by a wavelike, burning sensation in the upper chest and esophagus that usually occurs within an hour of eating. At times, the experience of heartburn can be very uncomfortable, and even mimic sensations of heart disease.  In most cases, however, heartburn