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We Offer The Latest in Electronic Therapy Devices

Whether you find yourself in pain from illness, diseases, chronic injuries, joint stiffness due to aging, or arthritis, an electronic therapy device could help get you back on track. These devices use electrical currents to promote your body’s natural healing. They’re perfect for people who naturally want a gentle and convenient way to heal themselves.

electronic therapy devices
Our selection of health products for treating a wide range of conditions offers a new way to help improve your health. Whether you want an electronic therapy device for muscle stimulation and nerve stimulation or electrical stimulators and electrotherapy devices that can be adapted to your needs, we will help you find the right health product. Our vitalizer plus water machine, Rife Digital Professional V3, and Super Mat Pack devices are all designed by professionals. Our staff has years of experience providing these services, so we know what works best to help you. Even if you suffer from several conditions, we have a suitable device that can help you.

We offer leading health product options, so you can be sure that our electronic therapy devices will help you alleviate your illness and pains. Whether it is our Hulda Clark zapper or other options, we can help you find the right devices for your health needs.

We have inspected and tested each electronic therapy device to ensure that it meets our standards for quality in providing pain-free and natural relief. We guarantee that every product we sell is a high-quality device manufactured with strict adherence to  Dr. Rife’s and Dr. Clark’s protocols. You can experience leading technology like our super mat pack, by shopping online today!

Unlike traditional medications, our health products do not produce side effects. Our electronic therapy devices are free of the harmful side effects that traditional drugs often cause. Our devices are safe and allow you to manage your health without worrying about side effects or medication interactions. Whether you choose our rife machine or something else, the two devices will act independently and will not cause any harmful reactions or adverse health consequences. Most importantly, our electronic therapy devices are helpful and readily available.

You can contact our customer service center at any time to get help with your order or any other question you might have about our health products. We have an efficient and personal customer service team that will answer any of your questions in minutes and solve your problem immediately. You can also access all of the information you need regarding our rife machine accessories on our website so you can easily see what electronic therapy devices we offer, what they do, and if they are right for you. Our team is available all year round, so if you need help, no matter what time of day it is, we will be there to help you.

Are looking for an electronic therapy device to aid your everyday wellness plan? HealthProdicts2 offers electronic therapy devices to relieve the pain of muscle contractions in the privacy of one’s home. It doesn’t matter what is the cause of your pain. Whether it’s a chronic injury, stiff joints caused by arthritis, or aging, we have the best alternative health products available.

The Best Alternative Health Products on the Market

At HealthProducts2 we have the best collection of alternative health products for the treatment of a variety of conditions. The electronic therapy devices we have offers new methods of advancing one’s health to alleviate pain and illness.

Our electronic therapy devices are designed to send pinpoint electrical signals or currents to your aching, hurting muscles through your skin. By using different wavelengths, our electronic therapy devices help stimulate your muscles by contracting them while improving blood flow and circulation. This helps to reduce injury and inflammation while also providing comfort.

Think of our electronic therapy devices as your very own personal physical therapist. Instead of having to get into your car, deal with traffic, and wait endlessly for your appointment, you simply use our electronic therapy devices to reduce muscle pain by stimulating healing. Our products reduce muscle pain and inflammation by stimulating your body’s natural nervous system.

The signals emerging from these devices can be adjusted so that you control the strength of the signal that gets your muscles contracting. Varying the signal strength helps put you in control.

You can use our electronic therapy devices in the comfort of your own home or at work. No time waiting; no having to schedule an appointment. This solution can help stimulate your muscles, reduce pain, and flow blood to damaged or injured nerves.

Any muscle pain you experience can be addressed by our electronic therapy devices. They’re especially beneficial for sports injuries including sprained ankles, knees, and elbows. Anyone who has pulled their hamstring can tell you how much pain limits their mobility. This can easily be addressed with our electronic therapy devices.

Electronic therapy devices are also heavily used by some physicians after surgery to help patients respond faster to post-operative treatments. Individuals with chronic back pain also benefit from using our electronic therapy devices. 

Joint pain, arthritis, muscle pain and inflammation, and even poor muscle strength can all benefit from using our electronic therapy devices. In some applications, these devices are being researched as a possible solution for severe accidents or muscle damage from trauma and disease.

Our electronic therapy devices are easy to use and simple to understand. First, clean the area on your skin where you’ll be using our device. Each of our electronic therapy devices comes with a manual and instructions.

Inside, you’ll find information about how and where to place the device or pads on the location of your body where you’re experiencing pain. Addressing knee pain often involves placing the device or pads approximately two inches above your knee. Next, you’ll turn on the device at its lowest setting and gradually increase the frequency until your muscle moves or twitches.

Once you are comfortable with the setting, you can gradually increase the frequency for more relief. Take special precautions to ensure you’re not using too high a setting at first. Start small and gradually increase the frequency. Most of our electronic therapy devices come with multiple-channel setups, allowing you to completely control your muscle therapy.

When you are looking for the most current electronic therapy devices you can buy online, check out HealthProducts2. Check us out and browse our wide selection of health products available. You can reach out to us several ways, by calling us at 206-708-6408 or by emailing healthproducts2@gmail.com.

What Our Clients Say

I had a client with Polymyalgia Rheumatica [PMR]. He wrapped the mat around himself each night and slept with it running the 8 hours.  That was the daily routine.  The response was simply dramatic !

Following up on the ecoli question but also giving you an update - I AM AMAZED! My bloating is better for the first time since I got sick. It is honestly almost flat! I am in total shock and cannot express my gratitude enough! H.G.

One and a half hours EVERY day for 100 days and your body is reverted back to what it was BEFORE your diagnosis.

Since using the setting you suggested for sleep I have been sleeping much better and getting up in the night much less,  in addition my general health has improved. I understand stress can cause an enlarged prostate and as I am now sleeping better

just like to tell you about another success with the Rife.  I tried setting for Group 10, Gram -/+ and after just 4 days my lungs were totally fixed, another great success from Rife. A friend's new partner and mentioned it was probably only the Rife that kept her alive (re: Ross River Virus) Steve, Western Australia

The Rife Digital machine saved my life a few days ago... because as we all know, and are made painfully aware of from the daily news reports, there is nothing available in all the medical systems of the world to fight this corona virus, and nobody knows when there will be. The only and last measure they do have is a respirator... if there is one available. 

Remember, I ordered a zapper for my friend with ovarian cancer stage 4 last year ? After 3 chemos and zapping - her cancer markers / level went down a lot - even her doctor is surprised... good news! 

Hello, just wanted to let you know we love the pro V2 rife machine ! It works, knocked out the flu virus on 3 of my family used the (influenza general) Group, thanks. R.S

I am very excited! I am a breast cancer survivor, however it came back. I decided to buy your professional machine which I have used for about a year. Went to my doctor and had a Pet scan the results showed no cancer in my body. Thank you guys, may God continue to bless you!

Since I received the replacement Dr Rife professional zapper, the healing and reduction of skin infection with Morgellons has decreased and I feel normal and not distracted by constant itchiness.  Using a mat and feet attachments together the elimination of parasites is much faster.

Regarding a chronic sore foot that my doctor diagnosed as Osteoarthritis, let me tell you the results are outstanding I am back walking and some running as I have been a runner all my life, also a knuckle injury in my right hand that ended my boxing for fitness days some 5 years ago is actually getting better.

Hello, i'm experiencing result with resolving my schizophrenia, initially everything got worse, the voices more persistent, for 2 weeks and then within a month i noticed i was significantly calmer less agitated. i'm really grateful of ur help.... S.R.

I used the Bacterial Infections Gram frequency program. I could feel it working on the first day, and the gas is almost gone, after 2 weeks. I know that eating sugar also affects me, and I have used both the detox organs and detox metal sets for better intestinal comfort. I repeat these set every so often . P.C.

Several years ago, my younger daughter injured her back. Two days ago, I urged her to use the Rife machine I had sent her for another problem. As of yesterday, 24 hours after starting the Rife machine treatment, her pain declined from 8 to 4.  She can sit again, and lie down without pain. The feeling is returning to her leg and foot.

E.T., was working on Ano rectal cancer on join and HPV: Results show it's completely gone.. They're amazed!! Scan in 3 months to make sure. They will monitor me for next few years. I'm going to keep on with all Protocols and will still do the cleanses and be in touch with how I'm progressing. 

Regarding the Autism frequencies:  Our 33 year old who has been autistic since age 8 has now reversed 17 of his 19 attributes [as of this month] which he initially presented as severe or moderately serious.  That is just about 90% reversal.  The one year or greater clients are now likely at least at 80% on average reversal.  Utterly remarkable.

I will also tell you that may lungs now are completely free from cancer! Wonderful! Every night I slept with zapper straps around on the balls of my feet.  And I am convinced that you can heal from cancer if you do the right things.

My son thanks to the Rife Machine was able to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus and Stenotrophomonas maltophila. Thank you, A.F.

I used the floaters frequencies for about 2 months.I used the frequencies for 2 months and had to change to teeth problems. Over the next week, the floaters seem to have disappeared.  S.F.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer, glioblastoma multiforme. The oncologist told me I had about 4 months to live on average. However, I opted out of all conventional medical care. I purchased the Rife in and used it almost every night by faith. Along with a good ketogenic diet, proper supplements, exercise and meditation. I am a walking miracle I live an incredible quality of life. T.B.

Skin Rash:  A red rash of unknown origin appeared on my husband's calves. We used our intuition and chose skin diseases, bacterial.  My husband did one frequency set during the day, and 4 frequency sets overnight. The rash had faded by about a quarter - a noticeable difference.  P.C.

Arthritis: I began with the arthritis comprehensive, for treatment of minor arthritis  pain. After 3 weeks, I noticed improvement, Since then I have combined frequencies from different sets to make my own personalized 10 frequency set. I managed to get rid of virtually 90 % of the pain and could jog with ease. P.C.

I found the frequencies for fungus and used them.  In a few days the morning flow from my nose was greatly reduced.  I think that I will now use the frequencies for sinus and see if I can clear up the remainder.  R.H.

I have not told you about C. for a long time.  You may remember that she had a serious aggressive brain tumor.  She made a "miraculous" recovery using my old Rife Digital Ultimate machine.  I am encouraged by any health care professional who is using the Rife technology R.H.

My husband has been dealing with horrible psoriasis for many years. He was on all kinds of medication, plus injections, for years. After one month of rifing he is completely free of psoriasis!! The rife machine has been a true miracle for both of us!! C

My Lyme is in remission and I'm feeling better each day. I can't tell you how many days I wanted to die. I now have my life back and am so grateful for this miracle. We ordered our second rife machine so we could both rife at the same time!! C

I have saved my dog from Kaposi's disease - he is cleared of that. Thank you very much.

remember you saying your daughter was helped with Rife Machine. I've been with Lymes/Chronic Fatigue /Fibro ... Worst the Brain Fog & Exhaustion ... Pain I can handle.  This Rife Digital machine REALLY did the trick . Thank you!

I remember you saying your daughter was helped with Rife Machine. I've been with Lymes/Chronic Fatigue /Fibro ... Worst the Brain Fog & Exhaustion ... Pain I can handle.  This Rife Digital machine REALLY did the trick . Thank you!

I had an Uber passenger on Friday who brought up the Rife machine out of the blue. He had been getting treatment for a serious case of hives for years, with no effect. The Rife machine cleared it up and he has had no further problems.

My wife was diagnosed with shingles the day after symptoms occurred.  She took a week's worth of a prescription with no guarantee that it would go away or even go away soon.  I programmed one setting for the anti-shingles frequencies after which she got hooked up.  Within about 10 days, the symptoms disappeared, and she seems healed. Thanks.

My Mother has been using one of your machines for 2 years with incredible result.  My sister recently started with another machine and a young realtor (at my suggestion) in his 3rd year of battle with lung cancer... Which cleared his cancer in 5 weeks    

This client contracted "pink eye" and was directed to the conjunctivitis setting. In less than two days, the condition resolved.  Everybody else in the household had it for more than a week.

I have a cochlear implant and have been using mine with no problem my had eye an implant also and uses it without problems.

I discovered the Rife Digital machine for my daughter's Morgellons/Lyme disease problems. I was also able to acquire the use of a Rife machine for myself. Much to my surprise, after several months of Rife machine use, a long-standing problems suddenly disappeared. DL 

I have recently experienced severe arthritic knee pain, which has almost disappeared after using the Rife Digital machine to treat these conditions. In fact, the gout pain in my foot is completely clear, and the residual knee pain is very minor, present only when my knee is in certain positions, and improving every day. 

n L's case, he had a longstanding problem with severe neck pain following a mountain bike accident, Larry's neck pain cleared up completely with the Rife treatment, and he no longer needs medication for the neck pain. 

Larry used the Rife machine "ROOT CANAL" in an effort to treat what was probably an infection on the tip of the root canal. After several nights of Rife machine use, the dental/root canal pain has completely cleared up. 

The Rife machine has almost completely resolved severe arthritis pain in my left knee and a severe gout attack in my left foot. A month ago I could barely move on my feet. 

A tooth with an infected root started acting up, and I was getting severe pain.  After thirty minutes using the dental group of frequencies on the Rife machine, the pain receded, the pain had gone, and the tooth is completely free of pain or soreness this morning. D.L.

After another night of deep sleep on the Rife machine, I am almost completely free of the arthritis pain in my left knee, and the gout pain in my left foot. I can walk normally and climb stairs today with almost no pain (only the slightest pain in my knee). D.

Recently I reprogrammed the Rife Professional (Clinical Model) Group #5 ‘Dental Comprehensive’ with the 10 frequencies listed under ‘Root Canal (Bacteria Treatment)’ in the Electro Therapy Device Frequency List, put the Rife Machine on Pulse Sweep and laid down in bed.  After about 20 minutes I drifted off to sleep, then woke up again after a total of 1 hour on the machine.  Much to my surprise and delight the tooth pain was reduced to a minimal level so I turned off the machine and continued with a full night of sleep.  CA

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Deal Of This Week

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Introducing Rife Machine V3 Healing Efficiency Through Technology

Addons and Accessories

Dr Rife Mats, Belts, Flex Straps, Velcro Straps, Books, Wires, Adapters

Instant Patment Method

30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee Replacemnts Warranty

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