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Ayurvedic Parasite Cleanse (India origin)

An Ayurvedic Parasite cleanse typifies a cleanse using herbs of Indian Origin, India, as distinct from native North Americans who incidentally are one of the worlds leaders in herbal pharmacy. In India, where parasites are endemic, it is believed that people with weaker digestions are more prone to parasitic infections. Parasites thrive on undigested food.

Dr Hulda Clark’s Bowel, Intestinal cleanse

  Dr Hulda Clark Bowel Cleanse Instructions Dr Clark’s Bowel cleansing (also known as colon therapy) involves a number of natural medical treatments intended to remove feces and nonspecific toxins from the bowel, colon and intestinal tract. Bowel cleansing may take the form of colon hydrotherapy (also called a colonic or colonic irrigation) or oral

Dr. Moerman’s Diet

Dr Moermans Diet Through the Studies of his own pigeons Dr Moerman discovered that his birds were less susceptible to cancer. It was already known to Dr Moerman that unlike rats and mice, pigeons could not be artificially induced for cancers. As a result he developed a special diet mainly based on essential nutrients. Dr

Binzel Nutritional Program

The Binzel Nutritional Program Philip E. Binzel initiated the Binzel nutritional program. Binzel recommends an intake of vitamins, particularly A and C, proteolytic enzymes, pangamic acid and nitrilosides. This has to be supplemented by a diet rich in raw, non-refrigerated fruits and vegetables, and regular cleansing of the bowels. He stresses the toxic effects of

Cancer Treatment Diet

Many foods, especially fruits and vegetables, contain substances that help prevent the formation of cancers, or actively attack existing cancers. This seems to be one of the purposes of food, and is a part of the economy of nature. On the other hand, diets high in trans fat and sugar have been linked to a

Wheatgrass Nutritional Program

  Fresh wheat grass is a potent source of many vitamins, minerals and plant enzymes. Wheat grass also contains Amygdalin/Laetrile, although other sources, such as apricot seeds are more potent. This therapy consists primarily of detoxification and consuming a wheat-grass drink several times each day. Ann Wigmore pioneered and promoted wheat-grass juice after curing her

Gerson Therapy (Dr Max Gerson)

The Gerson Therapy has been and is still the most basic, the best recognized, the most complete, and the longest existing effective cancer treatment. Patients on the Gerson therapy also know that they have to stick very exactly to the treatment. Everything you must or must not do has a very important reason. The whole


  Spirulina / Blue-Green Algae an Excellent Diet Supplement  Spirulina Diet? – The authors concluded that in humans, spirulina acts directly and indirectly on NK cells. This study suggests that spirulina’s immune-enhancing effects are persistent, as heightened immunity continued to be seen up to five weeks after the subjects stopped receiving spirulina. “Researchers at the

Zen Macrobiotic Diet

Macrobiotics is based on the writings of a Japanese physician, Sagen Ishizuka (1850-1910). He cured himself of cancer by abandoning the refined diet of affluent Japan and reverting back to the unpurified Japanese diet of brown rice, soybeans, fish, miso soup, sea vegetables, and other traditional Oriental foods – the ancestral diet. RECOMMENDED LIST: “The

What Is A Parasite?

Parasite Mucous Layer What is a parasite?,  Dr Hulda Clark explains: A parasite is an organism that lives off the host, the host being you or me. The parasites live a parallel life inside our bodies, feeding off either our own energy, our own cells or the food we eat, and even feeding off the