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Headaches – Natural Solutions and Frequencies

This information is sourced from Natural Cures.  Rife and Zapper frequencies are at the end of this article.


Natural Cures

Acupressure:  Acupressure is an excellent self-help therapy for relieving headache pain because of its ability to quickly alleviate muscle tension that can cause headaches.  Here is a useful acupressure technique for relieving migraine and tension headaches:  Press your thumbs firmly into the hollow areas located to either side of the base of your skull.  Typically, these points will be two to three inches apart, depending on your head size.  Once you have located them, close your eyes and slowly lean your head back as you continue to apply pressure for two minutes.  As you do so, take deep, relaxed breaths in through your belly. After two minutes, release the pressure and continue breathing in this fashion for 30 seconds, then repeat the process until you feel your symptoms improving. 

Acupuncture:  Acupuncture can significantly reduce headaches and prevent them from recurring because of how acupuncture is able to relieve muscle tension, improve the flow of blood and oxygen to all areas of the body, and resolve pain.  Acupuncture can prove very helpful in dealing with potential allergies and gastrointestinal problems that can cause headaches, as well as boosting overall immune function to prevent and resolve headaches caused by infection. 

Aromatherapy:  The following essential oils, applied topically to areas of the head, face, and neck associated with headache pain, can help to quickly relieve symptoms: chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, and rosemary. 

Bodywork:  Bodywork is an excellent therapy for helping to prevent and reverse headaches caused by muscle tension and spasms.  Bodywork can improve overall functioning of your body’s circulatory and nervous systems, which can significantly reduce the risk of headaches.  Among the most effective types of bodywork for headaches are Alexander Technique, Bowen Therapy, Feldenkrais, Massage Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Structural Integration and Rolfing. 

What follows is a simple, yet effective, self-massage technique you can use to relieve headache pain.  Sit comfortably in a chair, close your eyes, and begin to breathe easily and deeply through your belly.  Now gently squeeze the back of your neck as you slowly roll your head in a circle.  Continue for 30 seconds, and then release your neck for ten seconds.  Repeat this process for a total of 20 times, each time slightly increasing the pressure you apply to your neck. 

If your headache still persists, move on to the next step:  Press your fingers into all areas of your neck and shoulders that feel tender.  As you do so, gently move your arms and shoulders in a circular motion.  Do this for five minutes, or until your symptoms have resolved.  For further benefit, you can repeat both of these exercises throughout the day. 

Diet:  NO GMOs!  The first step in achieving a healthy diet that can help you minimize the risk of headaches is to determine if you suffer from food allergies or sensitivities.  One simply way to do this is to fast for five days.  It would be best to undertake this fast while being overseen by a naturopathic or other alternative doctor.  During the five day fast you drink only distilled water.  Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke during this time. 

Note:  If you are a smoker you will not be able to smoke while you fast, and it would be best to quit smoking prior to all cleansing and fasting procedures.  Stop using all commercial hygiene products, including toothpaste and mouthwash, because of the chemicals they contain. 

After the five days are over, start eating solid foods again, one at a time.  Begin with fruits and vegetables, to help your body reaccustom itself to eating.  As you reintroduce each food, keep a food journal and notice any symptoms, including headaches, that occur within 12 to 96 hours after each food is eaten.  This will help you to determine which foods you are allergic to.  Avoid such foods from that point on, and also try to eat all other foods no more than once every four days to further prevent allergic reactions. 

Also eliminate all commercial, processed foods, all sugars and refined carbohydrates, alcohol, coffee and other caffeine-containing foods and beverages, sodas, margarine, foods containing additives and preservatives, shortening, and all partially hydrogenated oils.  Foods containing saturated fats, such as dairy products, eggs, red meat, and warm-water fish should only be eaten sparingly. 

For best results, emphasize a diet of fresh, organic foods, especially leafy, green vegetables, free-range poultry, wild-caught, cold-water fish, and non-gluten, complex carbohydrate foods such as red potatoes, squash, and yams. 

Another helpful dietary measure is “potassium broth,” which can be made by combining washed but unpeeled carrots and potatoes with a variety of potassium-rich green vegetables into a pot of water.  Bring the water to a boil, and then simmer for ten to 15 minutes.  Then put the water through a strainer and drink several cups of broth throughout the day, storing the unused portion in your refrigerator. The broth acts as a very effective nerve tonic and can also help to relax tense muscles to promote better circulation. 

Herbal Medicine:  Useful herbs for headache include cayenne pepper, which can help prevent and relieve both cluster and migraine headaches; feverfew, which is particularly helpful for migraine; garlic and ginkgo biloba, both of which improve blood flow and help protect against blood clots; and ginger, which can stop the progression of headaches when taken at the first sign of headache symptoms. 

Other helpful herbs include bay leaves, chamomile, coriander, skullcap, turmeric, valerian root, wild yam, and willow bark. 

Hydrotherapy:  Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health.  Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses.  Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program.  Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment.  We suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments.  Please seek the advice of your alternative health care practitioner before undergoing these procedures to make sure they are appropriate for you.

*Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations.

To relief tension headaches, apply an ice pack to the back of your head while soaking your feet in hot water and a teaspoon of dry mustard.

Juice Therapy:  The following juice combination can be helpful for headache symptoms because of the nutrients and enzymes they provide, as well as their alkalizing effect on the body: carrot and celery; carrot, beet, and cucumber; and carrot, celery, spinach, and parsley.

Nutritional Supplements:  Useful nutritional supplements for treating and preventing most types of headaches include B-complex vitamins, vitamin B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, along with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), evening primrose oil, and the amino acid DL-phenylalanine.

Prolotherapy:  Prolotherapy injections at the site of tense muscles or muscles that are in spasm, can dramatically reduce the incidence of headaches caused by such factors in as little as a single session. Research has shown, overall, that prolotherapy can be helpful in up to 90 percent of all cases of headache pain, and is often capable of providing permanent relief.

Relaxation Therapy:  Regularly engaging in some sort of relaxation therapy on a daily basis can dramatically reduce the stress and tension that trigger the majority of headache cases. One of the easiest ways of promoting deep relaxation is to spend five minutes a few times a day sitting comfortably with your eyes closed while you breath slowly and deeply through your belly.

Here are two other relaxation exercises that are helpful for reducing headache symptoms:

1. Lie on the floor with your head on a pillow. Close you eyes and comfortably rest your calves on the seat of a chair. Stay in this position for five to ten minutes, breathing deeply and comfortably through your belly. When you are done, take your time getting up from the floor, continuing to breath in a deep, relaxed manner.

2. Sit comfortably in a chair or lie down on a comfortable mattress in a room that is quiet, with the lights off. Take ten gentle, deep breaths, starting in your belly and progressing all the way to your upper chest. Without pausing, exhale, starting at your chest and progressing down to your diaphragm, taking longer to do so than you took to inhale. Ideally, you should try to spend two to five seconds inhaling and twice as long exhaling.

Once you sense yourself starting to relax, tightly tense the muscles of your feet and toes tightly for a count of five, and then relax them. Then do the same with the muscles of your lower legs and calves. Repeat this process all the way up the rest of your body, moving to your upper legs and thighs, your buttocks, your lower back and abdomen, your upper back and chest, your hands and arms, your shoulder, your neck, and, finally, your jaw, eyes, and face muscles. Throughout this process, continue breathing in a gentle, deeply relaxed manner. When you finish, slowly open your eyes and then slowly stand up, continuing to breath as you have been.

Traditional Chinese Medicine:  In addition to acupressure and acupuncture, a variety of Chinese herbs can also be helpful for dealing with headaches. These include the traditional Chinese herbal formula known as the Eight Treasures, which is made up of angelica root, condonopsis root, dong quai, licorice root, liqusticum rhizome, peony root, poria fungus, and rehmannia root; and Xiao Yao Tong, which is composed of bupleurum root, dong quai, ginger root, licorice root, mentha leaf, paeonia root, poria fungus, and tractylodes rhizome.

Qigong and Tai Chi, two other components of traditional Chinese medicine, can also offer many benefits for headache sufferers.

Alternative Professional Care
The following therapies can also be helpful for treating and preventing headaches: Ayurvedic Medicine, Biofeedback Training, Biological (Holistic) Dentistry, Chiropractic, Craniosacral Therapy, Detoxification Therapy, Energy Medicine (electrodermal screening), Environmental Medicine, Enzyme Therapy, Flower Remedies, Guided Imagery, Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy, Magnetic Therapy, Mind/Body Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Neural Therapy, Osteopathic Medicine, Oxygen Therapy (hydrogen peroxide, hyperbaric oxygen therapy), and Yoga. 

Quick Action Plan for Headaches

1. Since food allergies can play a role in over 90 percent of certain types of headaches, such as migraine, it is important that you be screened for food allergies and sensitivities, and avoid eating all foods that you are allergic or sensitive to.

2. Emphasize a diet of fresh, organic foods with an emphasis on vegetables, especially dark leafy green vegetables, salads, free-range organic poultry, wild-caught, cold-water fish, and non-gluten, complex carbohydrate foods, such as red potatoes, squash, and yams.

3. A helpful dietary remedy for headaches is “potassium broth,” which can be made by combining washed but unpeeled carrots and potatoes with a variety of potassium-rich green vegetables into a pot of water. Bring the water to a boil, and then simmer for ten to 15 minutes, then strain out the broth and sip it throughout the day.

4. To help prevent and reverse headaches, supplement with B-complex vitamins, vitamin B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, along with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), evening primrose oil, and the amino acid DL-phenylalanine.

5. Certain herbs can also help prevent and reduce headache symptoms. These include bay leaves, cayenne pepper, chamomile, coriander, garlic, ginkgo biloba, ginger, skullcap, turmeric, valerian root, wild yam, and willow bark.

6. Since headaches are often due to chronic muscle tension and/or muscle spasm, bodywork can be extremely helpful in minimizing the risk of headaches, especially Alexander Technique, Bowen Therapy, Feldenkrais, massage therapy, Polarity therapy, Structural Integration and Rolfing.

7. Hot baths, saunas, and steam baths can help ease headache pain by increasing blood circulation and easing muscle tension.

8. Learning how to cope with daily stress by practicing relaxation exercises can also significantly reduce the incidence of headaches. One of the simplest methods of relaxation is simply to close your eyes as you sit comfortably in a chair, breathing gently and deeply through your belly. Do this for five minutes at a time and repeat throughout the day.

Rife and Zapper frequencies:

Headache: 0.16, 0.55, 0.95, 7.50, 22.50, 42.50, 96.50, 275.52, 515.70, 650.00

Headache, Migraine: 0.15, 0.18, 2.32, 63.75, 72.30, 132.20, 220.30, 587.30, 722.52, 915.20

Clark Cleanses


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