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Get Pure & Healthy Drinking Water With The Vitalizer Plus Water Machine

If you want an easy, and economical way to live a healthier lifestyle, then making your own Vitalized Water is the perfect answer. Luckily for you, we’ve recently developed our new and improved Vitalizer Plus! With it, you can easily and affordably make healthier water with the ‘Vitalizing Technology.’

The Vitalizer Plus Is Easy To Store

It’s easy to store and use our vitalizer and can fit nicely in the kitchen! That is because our vitalizer plus water machine takes up very little space when you aren’t actively using it. Its size allows it to fit into any standard kitchen cabinet making it user-friendly.

In modern times, you can take advantage of our Vitalizer Plus machine and make your own “vitalized” water in your home with the help of our patented technology. The vitalizer plus water machine is FDA listed in the US and Canada. That’s because each Vitalizer is made by skilled domestic craftsmen who hand-start and test each unit to ensure that it meets our high standards for reliability and quality.

Each glass of water produced by our Vitalizer Plus machine contains a full spectrum of minerals and nutrients your body was likely missing before, providing an easy way to improve your health. It has a super wet hexagonal structure carrying extra oxygen, energy, and ionic minerals deep into the cellular environment in seconds, allowing you to enjoy healthier water.

The more minerals you can get in your drinking water, the more you will enjoy this health benefit. The Vitalizer creates healthier water, to help you from getting sick in Canada and across other locations.

Our vitalizer plus machine uses natural principles to establish the life-changing hexagonal water that your body craves. Similarly, our vitalizer water machine employs such principles when making vitalized water in your home.

vitalizer plus water machine

The Science Behind the Vitalizer Plus Water Machine

The Vitalizer Plus Water Machine uses a combination of vortexing, oxygenation, and mineralization. Vortexing, inspired by natural water movement, restructures water molecules for enhanced hydration. Oxygenation enriches your water with vital oxygen molecules, which support cellular function. You can also add mineral supplements to further enhance your water quality. The Vitalizer Plus transforms ordinary water into a revitalizing elixir that can improve your health and well-being.

How To Use the Vitalizer Plus Water Machine

vitalizer plus

Using the Vitalizer Plus Water Machine is simple and straightforward. Begin by filling the pitcher with clean water (preferably filtered or purified) up to the designated fill line. Here, you can add mineral supplements to the water chamber to enhance its mineral content if you desire. Securely place the pitcher onto the base of the Vitalizer Plus.

Next, use the control panel on the Vitalizer Plus Water Machine to select your preferred cycle time. This typically ranges from 9 to 27 minutes. Press the start button to kick off the vortexing and oxygenation process. The machine will start its gentle swirling process, restructuring the water molecules and infusing them with oxygen.

The Vitalizer Plus will automatically shut off once the cycle is complete. Once it’s complete, you can remove the pitcher and enjoy the revitalized water immediately!

The Benefits of Using the Vitalizer Plus Water Machine

The benefits of using the Vitalizer Plus Water Machine extend far beyond simple hydration! There are so many advantages for overall health and well-being. The oxygenation feature infused water with vital oxygen molecules, supporting cellular respiration and metabolism. Oxygen-rich water can help combat fatigue, boost immune function, and enhance athletic performance.

The option to add mineral supplements to the water chamber ensures that essential nutrients are readily available to be absorbed by your body. This mineralization process enhances the taste and quality of water but also provides crucial electrolytes, which are necessary for optimal health.

The Vitalizer Plus promotes detoxification by supporting your body’s natural cleansing processes. Structured, oxygenated water aids in flushing out toxins and waste products. This can lead to clearer skin, improved digestion, and overall rejuvenation.

Purchase a Vitalizer Plus Water Machine

The Vitalizer Plus provides pure and healthy drinking water. It can lead to enhanced hydration, increased energy, improved nutrient absorption, and detoxification support. If you’re interested in purchasing the Vitalizer Plus, visit our website today! To check inventory levels, you can check our website or call our support team at 206-708-6408.

Buy A Vitalizer Plus Water Machine Today.

Vitalized water is more than just a refreshing drink – it’s an elixir of life. Vitalized water hydrates, energizes, and detoxifies your body so you can look and feel your best every day. And, with the benefits of our vitalizer machine, you can quickly create a considerable amount to share with others or to keep in the fridge for on-demand hydration that gives you all the vitality your cells need. You can order your vitalizer plus water machine by first checking our online product inventory like our rife machine, or calling our support team (206-708-6408) at Health Products 2.

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