Welcome to Healthproducts 2: From health products to rife machines

Kidney Cleanse Instructions

  The importance of cleaning and strengthening your kidneys The kidneys are a very complex sophisticated filtering system. Each kidney has over a million nephrons, which are the functioning units of the kidney. Once they are destroyed they cannot regenerate. Consider the following: Everyday your kidneys process about 200 quarts (liters) of blood to filter

Lower Cholesterol Naturally

  Herbs and other natural products have been around alot longer than the standard prescription drugs used today to control high cholesterol. They are usually derived from plants, trees, and other sources. Unfortunately, herbal drugs are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, so you have to be careful about what other chemicals are

Delivery Information

The Rife and Zapper machines are made in Germanay – sourced from USA and German parts – assembled and shipped from India.  Sometimes we will ship from Washington State.  The shipping is either UPS, DHL or USPS, however we can make other arrangements if needed – you would need to give us a call.  Typically

Liver Cleanse Instructions

  Dr Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse One of the main functions of the liver is to remove and breakdown toxins from the blood. It also metabolizes ingested drugs, including pharmaceutical drugs and alcohol. This imposes a large burden on the liver day to day – liver cleansing is an effective way to give your liver

Chinese Medicine Parasite Cleanse (China Origin)

Chinese Traditional herbal medicine prescriptions are a cocktail of many herbs tailored to the individual patient. One batch of herbs is typically decocted twice over the course of one hour. The practitioner usually designs a remedy using one or two main ingredients that target the illness. Then the practitioner adds many other ingredients to adjust

Caugh – Make It Stop

  A cough is usually the result of needing to expel something from the air passages. A dry or unproductive cough does not bring up mucus, however a productive cough does. Different kinks of coughs will reflect different kinds of health issues. To determine what the issue may be you will want to see a

Ayurvedic Parasite Cleanse (India origin)

An Ayurvedic Parasite cleanse typifies a cleanse using herbs of Indian Origin, India, as distinct from native North Americans who incidentally are one of the worlds leaders in herbal pharmacy. In India, where parasites are endemic, it is believed that people with weaker digestions are more prone to parasitic infections. Parasites thrive on undigested food.

Dr Hulda Clark’s Bowel, Intestinal cleanse

  Dr Hulda Clark Bowel Cleanse Instructions Dr Clark’s Bowel cleansing (also known as colon therapy) involves a number of natural medical treatments intended to remove feces and nonspecific toxins from the bowel, colon and intestinal tract. Bowel cleansing may take the form of colon hydrotherapy (also called a colonic or colonic irrigation) or oral

Dr. Moerman’s Diet

Dr Moermans Diet Through the Studies of his own pigeons Dr Moerman discovered that his birds were less susceptible to cancer. It was already known to Dr Moerman that unlike rats and mice, pigeons could not be artificially induced for cancers. As a result he developed a special diet mainly based on essential nutrients. Dr

Binzel Nutritional Program

The Binzel Nutritional Program Philip E. Binzel initiated the Binzel nutritional program. Binzel recommends an intake of vitamins, particularly A and C, proteolytic enzymes, pangamic acid and nitrilosides. This has to be supplemented by a diet rich in raw, non-refrigerated fruits and vegetables, and regular cleansing of the bowels. He stresses the toxic effects of