Subtotal: $19.99
*To Be used in conjunction with the Dr Bob Beck Colloidal Silver Generator
This machine DOES NOT MAKE colloidal silver, rather it delivers Colloidal Silver in an atomic spray to the lungs, to assist with Lung Cancer, Asthma, and other lung infections and diseases. To make the silver you would get the Dr. Beck Professional Brain Tuner Machine.
The Atomizer will suit people with bronchial / asthma / cold and flu / lung disease / lung infections / lung-throat-neck-mouth cancers, this unit has been designed to work with the Colloidal Silver which is made on the Beck Machine.
Back in October 2001 the prestigious Health Sciences Institute pointed out that nebulizing colloidal silver directly into the lungs is one of the fastest ways of effectively eliminating serious upper respiratory infections, including bronchitis and pneumonia.
One of their well-known health symposium panelists, Dr. Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D., had discovered, while dealing with pneumonia patients, that colloidal silver can be quickly and easily atomized into a fine mist and inhaled into the lungs using a device called a nebulizer. The silver is then easily carried into the human blood stream and from there directly into the body’s cells and tissues. The apparent result was rapid and highly effective remission of pneumonia symptoms, as the tiny silver particles in the colloidal silver killed the infectious agents causing the pneumonia.
In order to make the Colloidal Silver you will need to buy a Colloidal Silver maker separately, or use the our Bob Beck Professional machine on program 20 – this will make the silver.
Ideally this Atomizer machine, and the Bob Beck Professional Brain Tuner machine would be bought together.
The machines are specifically made for Nebulizing Colloidal Silver, so the actual machine was designed to atomize the silver structure from the water in a vastly finer mist that holds the silver in a complete suspension in each of the smallest (mist) droplet. The standard (or original) Nebulizer was made for oils and could not atomize silver properly, so the engineering was redesigned specifically for Colloidal Silver Atomization to deliver the “Siver Mist” to the lungs efficiently. The device uses a power adapter which has plugs for all countries.
Again this is NOT a Colloidal Silver (Maker). To make the silver you would need to buy the Dr Beck Machine, to use this device, or buy a Colloidal Silver machine elsewhere.
For Instructions and details click HERE
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