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Heart Disease – Page 2

This information is sourced from Natural Cures – Due to the many and varied conditions of the heart please go to www.rifeandzappers.com for the Rife and Zapper frequencies.

Natural Cures

The following guidelines are effective for both reversing and preventing heart disease:

Aromatherapy: The essential oils of garlic, lavender, peppermint, marjoram, rose, and rosemary can help to strengthen the heart muscle, while lavender, melissa, neroli, and ylang-ylang are useful for balancing abnormal hearty palpitations.

Chelation Therapy: Chelation therapy is a safe and effective natural alternative to both angioplasty and coronary bypass surgery, and approved as a primary treatment for poisoning due to heavy metal toxicity in the body. An abundance of scientific research also shows that chelation therapy is effective for both preventing and treating heart conditions caused or exacerbated by arteriorsclerosis, including angina, heart attack, and stroke because of its ability to reduce blockages in the arteries. Research shows that chelation therapy improves overall artery health by more than 93 percent in terms of its ability to remove plaque and calcium deposits from the arteries’ inner lining. It also offers more effective treatment that coronary bypass in an estimated 85 percent of all cases.

The reason chelation therapy works so effectively in this regard is because of its ability to rid the arteries of heavy metals that can contribute to vulnerable plaque, which causes 85 percent of all cases of heart disease, while simultaneously improving the delivery of oxygen to heart tissues, which is vital to heart health. In order to best accomplish these goals, leading chelation experts, such as Garry Gordon, MD, DO, developer of the modern chelation therapy protocol, recommend a combination of intravenous (I.V.) chelation treatments along with ongoing oral chelation supplements.

Diet: Diet, along with proper nutritional supplementation, regular exercise, and conscious healthy lifestyle choices, including low stress and stress management, no smoking of any kind and little to moderate amounts of alcohol, are important self-care choices you can make to ensure a healthy heart. Unfortunately, poor diet is one of the most common health problems in the United States. To protect yourself against heart disease, you need to eliminate your intake of all unhealthy fats, especially trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats and oils. This means not eating foods that contain margarine, vegetable shortening, and lard, as well as all fried and commercially processed foods, which are typically high in unhealthy fat content. Avoid all foods that are irradiated and/or that contain additives and preservatives, as well as foods grown with the use of pesticides, herbicides, steroids, and antibiotics, and all foods that contain powdered eggs or powdered milk. Eliminate all refined sugars and simple carbohydrates, which not only reduce immune function, and therefore your body’s ability to fight off infections linked to heart disease, but can also dramatically increase levels of C-reactive protein, homocysteine, blood glucose, insulin, and triglycerides, all of which are markers for heart disease. In addition, eliminate all refined salt which will dramatically reduce your overall sodium intake; instead use Himalayan mountain, Krystal sea salt or other unrefined salt, and minimize your intake of red meat, milk, and dairy products, as well as caffeine (no more than two cups of coffee per day). Limit your alcohol intake to no more than one glass of red wine per day, preferably with a meal.

Emphasize a diet rich in organic whole foods, especially plenty of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, oats, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and organic, free-range poultry and wild-caught, cold water fish, such as halibut, mackerel, orange roughy, and salmon (avoid farm raised salmon). Beans and legumes are also advisable due to their high fiber content. Also be sure to use healthy oils such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, and fish oils for the essential fatty acids they contain. Choosing organic, rather than conventionally produced foods gives you a definite advantage.

Throughout the day, drink plenty of pure, filtered water, and avoid drinking—as well as bathing, and showering in—unfiltered tap water, because tap water contains heavy metals and pesticide residues that can contribute to and worsen heart disease.

Research has shown that one of the best dietary approaches to a healthy heart is the Mediterranean diet, which is high in plant foods eaten with garlic, onions, extra virgin olive oil, and moderate amounts of whole grains, fish, and poultry, along with an occasional glass of red wine at meal time. The near-vegetarian “reversal diet” developed by noted health author and researcher Dean Ornish, M.D., has also been clinically proven to help improve overall heart health. It emphasizes meals composed primarily of fresh vegetables and whole grains, and eliminates nearly all cholesterol-containing foods, animal fats, and oils. Dr. Ornish recommends that, for best results, his patients also commit to an exercise program and stress reduction techniques, such as meditation.

Enzyme Therapy: The use of digestive enzymes with your meals, as well as a specific enzyme product known as Wobenzym-N is also recommended. Digestive enzymes aid your body in digesting the foods you eat, as well as improving your body’s ability to absorb and make use of the nutrients they contain. Wobenzym-N, which is taken away from meals, is a potent enzyme-bioflavonoid product that enters the bloodstream, where it helps to attack infectious pathogens, reduce chronic inflammation, and regulate markers for heart disease, such as C-reactive protein and fibrinogen. It has been shown to provide all of the same benefits as aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), without any of their side effects, including death by bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Exercise: Regular exercise has been shown to reduce unhealthy high blood pressure, reduce unhealthy LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, increase levels of healthy HDL cholesterol, enhance oxygen supply to the body’s cells and tissues, and improve immune function, which helps to protect against the infectious microorganisms that can cause heart disease. In addition, exercise is an excellent way of improving overall mood and reducing stress, both of which are important in safeguarding yourself against heart disease. What follows are some tips for making regular exercise easier to achieve.

1. Make it your goal to walk, swim, skate, jump rope, aerobic dance, run, or ride a bike, three times a week for at least 30 minutes each time.

2. To improve lean muscle mass, thereby also improving the health of your heart, engage in a strength-training program twice a week. For best results, make sure the program includes a mix of calisthenics and weight training that exercises all of the major muscle groups of your body.

3. To help you abide by a regular exercise program, do one or more of the following: Ask a friend to participate with you; make scheduling each exercise session a high priority; and work out while listening to music or a motivational tape to make your exercise routine more enjoyable.

Note: If suffer from poor health or are over the age of 40, check with your physician before beginning an exercise program.

Herbal Medicine: Useful herbs for protecting the health of the cardiovascular system include:

  • foxglove, from which the heart medication digitalis is derived; hawthorn berry has been shown to enhance blood circulation to and from the heart and to relieve arterial spasms;
  • garlic helps to dissolve clots and also acts as both a potent antioxidant and natural antibiotic; ginger has antioxidant properties and has been shown to reduce cholesterol and decrease the stickiness of blood platelets;
  • olive leaf extract, an antioxidant, helps to lower high blood pressure and maintain the health of the capillary walls;
  • motherwort helps to prevent and reverse abnormal heart palpitations;
  • ginkgo biloba acts as a natural blood thinner and can improve blood flow, as well as aid cognitive and memory function for those whose mental faculties are diminished as a result of stroke and/or surgical interventions such as bypass surgery.

The following herbal tonic can also help protect against heart disease: equal parts of ginkgo biloba, hawthorn berry, and linden flower, combined as a tincture. Add ½ teaspoon of this mixture to a few ounces of pure, filtered water, and take three times a day. For more powerful effects, you can simply take it straight without water.

Juice Therapy: The following juice combinations act as healthy heart tonics: Carrot, celery, cucumber, and beet, with small amounts of garlic and/or hawthorn berries; the juice of blueberries, blackberries, black currant, and/or red grapes.

Lifestyle: If you smoke, stop immediately. Also avoid all exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke, and minimize your exposure to environmental pollutants. In addition, learn how to effectively manage stress, such as participating in a meditation or biofeedback program, and commit yourself to at least three 30-minute sessions of aerobic exercise each week. If you are overweight, also seek help in safely and permanently shedding excess pounds.

Nutritional Supplements: The importance of specific nutrients to overall heart health has been clearly established scientifically for at least fifty years, due to the work of such pioneering researchers as two-time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, Ph.D., whose work showed that heart disease is primarily due to nutritional deficiencies. Dr. Pauling maintained that heart disease was one of the most preventable of all diseases, despite the enormous personal and financial toll is takes each year. His own personal nutritional heart disease protective remedy was as follows: 6 to 18 mg of vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid, divided into three daily dosages and taken just before or with meals, along with 3 to 6 grams of the amino acid lysine, taken once per day. To this remedy, Matthias Rath, MD, one of Dr. Pauling’s associates, suggests adding the amino acid proline once per day at a dose of between 0.5 to 2 grams.

Other important nutrients for preventing and helping to reverse heart disease include:

  • beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease by as much as 50 percent (for best results, supplement with a mixed carotenoid formula for more comprehensive antioxidant protection);
  • vitamin B3 (niacin), which lowers cholesterol, reduces overall heart disease risk, and helps to increase the longevity of people who have already suffered a heart attack;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which helps to neutralize homocysteine and inhibit platelet stickiness, thus protecting against arteriosclerosis;
  • vitamin B12, which also helps to protect against homocysteine;
  • vitamin C, which protects against cholesterol oxidation, infection, and inflammation, all major risk factors for heart disease, and can also help to dissolve unhealthy blood clots;
  • vitamin E, which can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and also protects against abnormal blood clotting and cholesterol oxidation, as well as helping to repair the cellular lining of blood vessels and to inhibit platelet stickiness (Caution: High dosages of vitamin E are not recommended for people with high blood pressure, rheumatic heart disease, or ischemic heart disease except under close medical supervision);
  • folic acid, which is vital for reducing and properly metabolizing homocysteine;
  • coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an important nutrient for maintaining heart strength, providing energy for the overall cardiovascular system, and for inhibiting oxidation of cholesterol due to its potent antioxidant properties;
  • proanthocyanidan (PCA), which is contained in pycnogenol and grape seed extract, and which helps to prevent cholesterol oxidation while protecting the inner walls of the arteries and inhibiting platelet stickiness and abnormal blood clotting;
  • calcium, which helps to reduce platelet stickiness and reduce unhealthy cholesterol levels; chromium, which helps to reduce triglyceride and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, while increasing HDL (“good) cholesterol;
  • magnesium (for best results, use in the form of magnesium malate, glycinate, taurate, or aspartate), which helps to keep arteries smooth and properly dilated, improve blood flow and the ability of the heart to pump blood, protect against arrhythmia, inhibit arterial calcification, inhibit platelet stickiness, and maintain healthy overall cholesterol levels;
  • potassium, which protects against high blood pressure much more safely and effectively than blood pressure medications;
  • selenium, another potent antioxidant that helps to reduce platelet stickiness.

In addition to lysine and proline, certain other amino acids can also be helpful for protecting against heart disease. This is especially true of L-arginine and L-carnitine. L-arginine helps to protect against high blood pressure, and has been scientifically shown to improve overall heart function in patients with congestive heart disease. If administered immediately after a heart attack, it can also help repair damaged heart muscle. In addition, L-arginine helps the body to produce nitric acid, which helps to maintain the smoothness and integrity of the blood vessels.

Besides helping to lower triglyceride levels, L-carnitine also enhances the heart’s ability to properly contract and pump blood, as well as significantly reducing the risk of angina and arrhythmia, and improve recovery from heart attack.

Other useful nutrients include fish and omega-3 oils, which protect against chronic inflammation, act as natural blood thinners, and help to reduce harmful cholesterol and triglyceride levels; gamma linoleic acid, which also helps to protect against chronic inflammation and elevated C-reactive protein levels;policosanol, which reduces LDL cholesterol and lipoprotein(a) and protects and improves recovery from angina; and SAMe (S-Adenosylmethionine) andtrimethylglycine (TMG), both of which are very effective in reducing homecysteine.

Oxygen Therapy: A variety of oxygen therapies have been shown to provide significant benefits for patients with heart disease. Hydrogen peroxide therapyadministered intravenously (I.V.), for example, has been shown to reduce the buildup of plaque in the arteries, as well as improving the heart’s ability to properly contract and receive oxygen. The late Charles Farr, M.D., Ph.D., a pioneer in the use of hydrogen peroxide therapy, helped many patients suffering from high-output heart failure (a condition in which the heart is unable to function properly despite pumping high amounts of blood) by administering I.V. hydrogen peroxide therapy in alternation with I.V. chelation therapy. He reported success alternating treatments of I.V. diluted hydrogen peroxide and chelation therapy to bring patients out of high-output heart failure (where the heart fails even though it is pumping a high amount of blood).

Ozone therapy has been shown to improve overall cardiovascular health. It is especially useful for treating problems in the circulatory system and for dissolving plaque in the arteries and veins. Most often, ozone is injected directly into the arteries or veins for this purpose.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is another form of oxygen therapy. It is most useful for helping patients to recover from stroke. For this purpose, stroke patients are placed inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Once inside, the atmospheric pressure is increased, so that increased levels of oxygen flood into the body’s cells and tissues, making it easier for the body to restore itself by reducing swollen tissues and improving oxygen supply to the brain. According to David A. Steenblock, M.S., D.O., an expert in the use of HBOT for stroke, HBOT applied within 24 hours after a stroke can reduce stroke damage by as much as 80 percent. Subsequent ongoing treatments can reduce stroke symptoms even more, and in many cases result in a complete recovery. Dr. Steenblock reports that patients have experienced significant improvement in their symptoms even after receiving HBOT for the first time 15 years after they suffered a stroke.

In addition to the above benefits, all forms of oxygen therapy are highly effective for eliminating the chronic infections that can play such an important role in the onset and continuation of heart disease. In this capacity, oxygen therapy can also help protect against vulnerable plaque, which is formed in part due to such infections.

Stress Management: Learning how to reduce and properly manage stress is essential for helping to protect against heart disease, especially for anyone who is suffering from high blood pressure. Research conducted by Dr. Dean Ornish and others has found that stress reduction not only helps prevent heart disease, but can also help to reverse it, especially when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular program of exercise.

Stress reduction techniques are also very helpful for dealing with emotions such as anger, depression, and hopelessness. Such emotions, if not properly expressed and dealt with, can significantly increase the risk of heart disease if they become chronic. Research has shown, for example, that people who are habitually angry and prone to lose their temper have nearly twice as high a risk of developing heart disease, compared to people who don’t have anger issues. In addition, homocysteine levels are often twice as high in people who are habitually angry, compared to normal people. Similar increases in heart disease risk have also been found in people who are habitually depressed and/or beset with feelings of hopelessness, especially men and the elderly.

Holistic health practitioners help their patients accomplish stress reduction through the use of various mind/body medicine techniques, such as biofeedback, hypnotherapy, and relaxation exercises. Meditation is another form of stress management that can be highly effective in reducing high blood pressure levels, thereby protecting overall cardiovascular health. So much so, in fact, that since 1984 it has been recommended by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) over conventional blood pressure medications for cases of mild high blood pressure. There are many ways to meditate. One of the easiest is simply to sit comfortably in a chair with your eyes closed as you focus on your breathing. Do this for five to ten minutes twice a day and gradually extend each session to 20 or 30 minutes. To enhance your efforts, concentrate on mentally repeating a peaceful phrase each time you inhale and exhale, allowing all other thoughts to arise and pass without becoming involved in them. At first, this may seem difficult, but with committed practice you will eventually find yourself able to do so while experiencing greater degrees of calm and peace.

Alternative Professional Care
The following therapies can also be helpful for treating and preventing heart disease: Ayurveda, Biofeedback Training and Neurotherapy, Biological Dentistry (for removal of dental amalgams that contain mercury), Bodywork (acupressure, Alexander Technique, reflexology, shiatsu, massage), Chiropractic, Detoxification Therapy, Environmental Medicine, Guided Imagery, Hydrotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Magnetic Therapy, Mind/Body Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Yoga. 

Quick Action Plan for Preventing and Treating Heart Disease

  1. Since up to 50 percent of heart disease cases can strike without any warning symptoms, it’s important to regularly be screened for signs of heart disease. In addition to conventional heart disease signals, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol and triglyceride levels, have your health care provider also screen you for markers such as C-reactive protein, homocysteine, fibrinogen, lipoprotein(a), glucose, insulin, and iron.
  2. Also be sure to be screened for vulnerable plaque, which is the primary cause of 85 percent of all cases of heart disease. Effective screening tools for vulnerable plaque include ultra-high-speed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and darkfield microscropy.
  3. You should also be screened for infectious agents such as Chlamydia, Helicobacter pylori, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and the herpes family of retroviruses
  4. Oxidized cholesterol, rather than elevated cholesterol levels by themselves, is another primary factor in most cases of heart disease, and therefore should also be screened for.
  5. A healthy diet is essential for a healthy heart. Emphasize a diet rich in organic whole foods, especially plenty of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, oats, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and organic, free-range poultry and wild-caught, cold water fish, such as halibut, mackerel, orange roughy, and salmon (avoid farm raised salmon). Beans and legumes are also advisable due to their high fiber content. Throughout the day, drink plenty of pure, filtered water, and avoid drinking—as well as bathing, and showering in—unfiltered tap water, because tap water contains heavy metals and pesticide residues that can contribute to and worsen heart disease. Also be sure to regularly use healthy oils such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, and fish oils for the essential fatty acids they contain.
  6. Useful nutritional supplements for protecting your heart include beta carotene; vitamins B3 (niacin), B6, B12, C, and E; folic acid; the minerals calcium, chromium, magnesium, potassium, and selenium; the amino acids L-arginine, L-lysine, L-proline, and L-carnitine; coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10); and proanthrocyanidin (PCA).
  7. Useful herbs include foxglove, garlic, ginkgo biloba, ginger, hawthorn berry, linden flower, and motherwort.
  8. Be sure to engage in a regular exercise program that combines aerobic exercise and strength training. For best result, devote 30 minutes three times per week to aerobic exercise, and 45 minutes twice a week for strength training.
  9. Learn how to properly manage stress. Useful stress reduction techniques include biofeedback training, meditation, and yoga.
  10. If you smoke, stop immediately. Also avoid all exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke, and minimize your exposure to environmental pollutants

Rife and Zapper Frequencies:  Heart Diseases: 0.07, 0.22, 0.70, 2.75, 7.25, 50.00, 67.50, 115.70, 356.72, 475.5

There are a number of different frequency sets for heart disease.  For more specific information rifeandzappers2.com


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