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Cure and Prevention of All Cancers, by Dr. Hulda Clark


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Dr. Clark says, “Cancer can be cured, not just treated. Kill the malignancy-causing parasite and the tumor-causing bacteria.”  Learn the dietary triggers for each oncovirus that immortalizes your tumor cells. Outwit RAS, MYC, NEU, SRC, SV40, JUN, and FOS with diet.  Follow a tester’s protocol that guarantees success. Get your immunity back with electricity: zapping, plate-zapping and homeography make it easier than ever to find your health again. Learn the single epidemiological factor that destroys your immunity. Avoid it and live free of rare diseases, inherited diseases and cancer. Cancer has many contributors but the main actors form a single chain of events. Pull out one link and the whole cancer process is blocked. This kind of prevention is more powerful than a cure. You can get started now! …for your pets, too.

Also, you can help to assist the healing with Cancer Treatment Herbs as well.

And put yourselfe on a wholefood, GMO free, organic diet.