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Quick Liver Cleanse


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SKU: 50952-125-PP Category:


• Comes with easy to follow directions

• Removes toxins from the liver

• Restores liver function

• Supports normal bile flow

• Helps mental clarity, blood sugar control and promotes healthier skin

Product Description

This is a 13-day long cleanse. The Dr. Clark Quick Liver &

Gallbladder consists of a group of herbs and nutraceuticals

that work in a synergistic manner for optimal cleansing.

All products in this cleanse are made in accordance with

both cGMP and Dr. Hulda Clark’s protocols.


Everything you eat, drink, breathe and absorb through your

skin is purified and detoxified in your liver. Everyday your

body is being polluted by harmful chemicals and what your

body doesn’t eliminate ends up getting stored in your body,

including your liver. When your liver is overwhelmed, your

whole body pays the price. You feel tired and heavy. You

lose your vitality. The Dr. Clark Quick Liver & Gallbladder

Cleanse contains time-tested natural ingredients that have

been specifically created to keep your liver healthy and clear

of obstructions, and helps lighten the load on your liver and gallbladder with a systematic cleanse that helps maintain your

liver’s vitality.


Get the benefits of the Dr. Clark Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse

without the hassle of portioning out multiple supplements.

The Dr. Clark Quick Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse comes in

handy for those traveling—all the cleanse ingredients come in

one capsule—and for those who prefer the convenience of an

easy cleanse over the more in depth cleanse that Dr. Clark’s

Original Cleanses offer. You can, for example, augment an

Original Cleanse with a Quick Cleanse while you are traveling.


Product Benefit

How does the liver function?
It is the job of the liver to

make bile, 1 to 1 ½ quarts (1 to 1 ½ liters) per day. The liver

is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large

tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir for bile, which

aids in the breakdown of proteins and fats. Eating protein or

fat triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about

20 minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common

bile duct to the intestine.


The biliary tubes in a healthy liver allow the bile to flow with

minimum restriction into the common bile duct. Doing a

Liver Flush may help you maintain healthier and cleaner bile

ducts and thereby continued good flow.


Note: The Quick Liver Cleanse does not include the necessary

items to perform a Liver Flush. If you want a more thorough

cleanse please consider the Original Dr. Clark Liver and

Gallbladder Cleans and Flush.


Cleaning Your Liver
Your body produces and eliminates

waste every second. You can see your body releasing

toxins in four different ways: through the lungs by breathing,

the skin by perspiration, the kidneys by passing urine, and

the large intestine by bowel movements.


Your invisible detox organ is your liver. Your liver is the

biggest and most important organ in the body. It has

everything to do with how you live, that’s why it’s called

the liver. Your liver condition can actually tell you how

long you will live and how well you look and feel.


You have two main filters for detoxification. The first one is

your liver. Your blood carries nutrients and waste from the

digestive system through your liver filter, your liver breaks

down the toxins and absorbs the nutrients. Your blood travels

out of your liver, partly clean, into your kidneys, your second

main filter. Your kidneys keep your nutrients in the bloodstream

but relieve toxins through urination.


To get the greatest possible benefits from our

cleanses please consider the following carefully:

Stay on the Para Cleanse Weekly Maintenance Program for a

minimum of 4 weeks to a year. The benefits are

cumulative as the Maintenance Program continues to

minimize the effect microorganisms have due to

continuous re-exposure. Dr. Clark believed that in order

to gain 100% of the benefit of the cleanse, it was best to

stay on the Maintenance dose indefinitely. This helps free

up your body’s energy for issues that need attention rather

than relentlessly fighting microorganisms.


The Dr. Clark Digestive Aid & Colon Cleanse works synergistically

with the Para Cleanse. For even better results take those two programs over the same time period. You will gain on two fronts

at the same time; while the Para Cleanse will balance foreign organisms systemically throughout your body the

Digestive Aid & Colon Cleanse will optimize your digestion in

both your stomach and intestines.


The Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse and Flush further helps

digestion by enhancing the liver’s bile production that in turn

helps you digest fat. For best results take the

Dr. Clark Quick Liver Cleanse daily.


Finally don’t let your kidneys go it alone! Remember that your

healthy kidneys can benefit from the Dr. Clark Kidney Cleanse

and regular daily dosing of Dr. Clark Quick Kidney Cleanse.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food

and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to

diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Safety Information
As with any dietary or herbal

supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner

of the use of this product. If you have ulcers, gallstones or

are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should

consult your health care provider prior to taking this product.


Interaction with Medication and Other Supplements

you are taking medications, you should check with your

physician or pharmacist prior to using our products. You

can also get drug interaction information from one of the

many sites on the Internet. Search for: Interaction with

Medications, Supplements.


Note Regarding Children 
Please do personal research and

consult with your health care professional before giving

any herbs to children. The educational directions enclosed

suggest a much lower quantity for children than for adults.

It is important to read accompanying literature prior to

using this product. 
The use of this herbal supplement is a

traditional nutritional use that is not intended to be prescribed

for, or to treat any disease, and does not claim to cure any



Consult with Your Healthcare Professional
Please do not

use the directions as a substitute for the advice of your

health care professional. We are not responsible or liable

for any actions or diagnosis made by you based on the

instructions. We encourage you to consult with your

health care professional, do personal research, and check

all our ingredients against a reference book before

consuming this product.


Freeze-Dried Pomegrante 
NAC (N-acetyl cysteine)

Skullcap Herb
Thioctic Acid
Gravel Root

Marshmallow Root
Mullein Leaf 
Licorice Root
Milk Thistle Herb

White Oak Bark
Wild Yam Root 
Green Freeze-Dried Hull

(From Black Walnut Tree)


Other Ingredients
Gelatin Capsules


Contains:520 mg – 125 ct


Suggested Use
Follow the directions on the bottle.


Detox – Cleanse – Rebuild

Everything you eat, drink, breath and absorb through your skin is purified

and detoxified in your liver. Every day your body is being polluted by harmful

chemicals… what your body doesn’t eliminate ends up getting stored in

your body, including your liver. Dr. Clark Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse

helps lighten the liver and gallbladder with a systematic cleanse that helps

maintain and restore your liver’s vitality.

The use of this herbal supplement is a traditional nutritional use that is not

intended to be prescribed for, or to treat any disease, and does not claim

to cure any disease, including diseases involving fevers, colds, flu or invading



Caution: As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your

health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you have ulcers,

gallstones or are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you

should consult your health care provider prior to taking this product.

Natural ingredients traditionally used to balance microorganisms. Free of tablet binders, coatings, colorings, flow agents, expedients and fillers. No Corn, yeast, dairy or wheat.

Store at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs