Welcome to Healthproducts 2: From health products to rife machines


This information is sourced from Natural Cures.  Rife and Zapper Frequencies are at the end of this article.


Allergies are adverse immune system reactions to a substance that would normally be considered harmless.  Allergic reactions are caused by exposure to allergens.  An allergen is a protein that the body judges to be foreign and dangerous.  Possible allergens include specific foods, environmental toxins, pollens, molds, mites, animal dander and a host of other irritants.  Once exposed to an allergen, the immune system releases specific antibodies to destroy the enemy allergen, setting in motion a complex series of events involving many biochemicals.  These chemicals then produce inflammation or other symptoms of an allergy response.Allergic responses can range from mild to severe, where prompt professional medical advice may be required.

Common symptoms of a typical allergic reaction include breathing congestion, inflamed, bloodshot, or scratchy eyes, watery eye, tears, sneezing, coughing, itching, nosebleeds, puffy face, flushing of the cheeks, dark circles under the eyes, runny nose, swelling, hives, vomiting, stomachache, and intestinal irritation or swelling.  More severe reactions include constriction of the bronchial tubes (asthma) and difficulty breathing or even anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal if not treated in time.  Allergies can also result in digestive stress, gas, and indigestion.  Sensitive people may feel irritation on their tongue or mouth.

Overall, the underlying causes of allergy and sensitivity are dietary and lifestyle factors specifically titled as imbalanced immune function, barrier function default (such as “leaky gut” syndrome), and toxic overload. Each of these are, in varying degrees, responsible for the development and continuation of allergy and sensitivity.

There are natural cures for allergies that do not involve the use of pharmaceutical drugs.  The Natural Cures website will show you how you can treat your allergies naturally, and well as to show you how you can make lifestyle changes that will improve your general health.

Natural Cures

Diet and nutrition, herbal medicine, desensitization techniques, acupuncture and homeopathy are commonly among the most effective therapies in treating allergies.

Self-Care:  The following therapies can be undertaken at home under the guidance of a physician; fasting, guided imagery, meditation, mind/body medicine, Qigong and Tai Chi, Yoga, aromatherapy and juice therapy..

Aromatherapy:  To calm stress and soothe allergic reactions use lavender, Melissa and chamomile.

Juice Therapy:  Recommendations: Carrot, beet and cucumber and carrot and celery.

Neti Pot:  A neti pot can be used to clear out the sinus cavities, this helps to reduce allergy symptoms as many of the causes can be directly linked to the material that gets trapped in the sinuses and causes irritation.  While it may seem strange to do this technique at first, it looks worse than it is and can dramatically decrease if not eliminate allergy symptoms when done on a regular basis.

Apple Cider Vinegar:  Drinking apple cider vinegar upon onset of allergy symptoms or as a daily regimen has allowed many people to completely stop the histamine response and prevent their allergies. You can mix 1/8 cup of apple cider vinegar with 16 oz. of water and sip it throughout the day, or drink the entire mixture all at once. Often one dose of this will stop the allergy symptoms, but others need to take it up to 3 times a day to see results. If you drink this mixture when your allergies begin, you can usually see your symptoms disappear within 1-3 hours. It may taste disgusting at first, but you get used to it and benefits greatly outweigh the flavor!

General Recommendations:  ?Once you have identified the foods you are allergic to, the next step is to eliminate them from your diet.  Initially you should completely refrain from eating all allergenic foods for 60 – 90 days.  After this period, you can begin to slowly reintroduce them into your diet.  You should also vary the foods that you eat on a daily basis to avoid developing new allergies.

Adopt a diet that includes a wide variety of nonallergenic fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and low-fat nondairy animal protein.  For people with allergies and sensitivities it is important to keep well hydrated.  Most alternative medicine physicians generally recommend eight to twelve 8oz glasses of pure water daily.

Bioflavonoids such as Quercetin taken orally along with bromelain, vitamin C and glutamine, are effective anti-allergy nutrients.  Some particularly effective anti-inflammatory herbs are stinging nettle, ginkgo biloba and licorice. Others to consider for treating allergy symptoms are Chinese skullcap, ephedra and feverfew.

Many allergy and environmentally sensitive patients will find that they require desensitization treatments, such as enzyme-potentiated desensitization (EPD) a Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique, to experience complete and possibly permanent remission of their symptoms.

Acupuncture has been shown to be particularly effective in reducing rhinitis symptoms and even desensitizing patients to allergen exposure.

With homeopathy, minute diluted doses of the substance a person is allergic to can be prepared as a homeopathic solution that triggers the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Diet:  Foods play a dual role in allergies and sensitivities, as both triggers of and contributors to adverse reactions.  The problem with food allergies and sensitivities is that 85% of them involve delayed reactions, manifesting up to 72 hours after consumption of the offending food.  You may not realize that the wheat bread you ate two days ago is responsible for your headache today. And the symptoms may shape-shift; that is, change over time and with repeated exposure. “Proper diet is the foundation from which to deal with allergies of all types” says Dr. Thom. “If the body is continually being stressed by the foods that are meant to nourish it, there will be fewer reserves left over for the immune system to deal with other ‘foreign’ substances”.

Elimination Diet:  Once you have identified the foods you are allergic to, the next step is to eliminate them form your diet.  Initially, you should completely refrain from eating all allergenic foods for 60 – 90 days.  After this period, you can begin to slowly reintroduce them into your diet.  You should also vary the foods that you eat on a daily basis to avoid developing new allergies (see “Rotation Diet”).  In most cases, this diet allows the body to repair intestinal barrier function, enabling patients to reintroduce the reactive foods into their diets.  Dr. Braly estimates that only about 5% of delayed food allergies will not subside using the elimination and rotation diets, necessitating the use of other alternative therapies.  Remember that eliminating an allergenic food can cause withdrawal phase, lasting one to five days, while the body detoxifies itself”, says Dr. Braly. Allergic symptoms may get worse during this period and cravings can be intense. Dr. Braly explains that “once the withdrawal phase has passed, the cravings also abate, and the allergy sufferer is free of dependence on that food, free of both the physiological and psychological desire to consume it so frequently and in such great quantities”.

Rotation Diet:  One way to ensure that the body is receiving a greater supply of nutrients from food, while at the same time minimizing the risk of exposure to allergenic foods, is to increase the variety of foods eaten and rotate them so that they aren’t eaten too frequently.  This is known as a rotation diet. According to Dr. Braly, a rotation diet one of the simplest and most effective measures anyone can take to both prevent and deal with the problems of food allergies.  “Normally, I would rotate the foods every four days”, he advises “This means that you are not eating any one food more often than every four days.  You might be able to have the same food more than once a day, but then you wouldn’t have it again until four days later.  Some people may need to go longer than that, but usually four days is ideal”.

Dr. Braly also suggests adopting a diet that indulges a wide variety of nonallergenic fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, and low-fate, non-dairy animal protein.  “Grains are important too” he says.  “Although, I make it a general policy to avoid the gluten grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats which many people are not able to tolerate.  I would stick to grains like brown rice, millet and amaranth”.

Stone Age Diet:  The “Stone Age” diet is another potentially useful diet plan for allergy sufferers.  The theory behind this diet is that our bodies are not genetically adapted to the synthetic, processed foods that constitute much of our modern eating practices.  Therefore, we are unable to digest many foods properly, and they become allergenic as our body tries to defend against them.  According to MD Abram Hoffer, due to the slow course of evolution, our digestive apparatus has remained the same for 10,000years.  Thus, we are best suited for the foods prevalent during the Paleolithic era – meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and a few seeds.  “You ate different foods in the spring, summer, fall and water and never had too much.  You also did not load up on any one item” says Dr. Hoffer.  Now, we eat an abundance of the same foods, especially grains, every day of the year.  “If you overload the gut with one particular item, for instance bread three times a day, then eventually the body breaks down” explains Dr. Hoffer.  Malnourishment and a leaky gut are elements of this breakdown.

Food combining:  If your food allergies are caused by poor digestion, which allows food molecules to escape the gut barrier, proper food combining may help restore healthy digestion.  The general rule, according to Patrick Donovan, is that proteins and starchy carbohydrates are never eaten at the same time.  Proteins may be eaten with non-starchy vegetables.  Carbohydrates (grains, potatoes etc.) may be eaten with all vegetables.  Fruits may be eaten alone, usually as a snack; the same is true with dairy products.  “Digestion is optimal if foods eaten together have roughly the same digestion time”.   Many alternative medicine practitioners have found that food combining helps patients avoid gas, belching and bloating, which is often caused when sugars from fruits or starchy carbohydrates ferment in the guy because the stomach is busy processing fats.  Once again the efficacy of this diet depends on individual response and how severely digestion is impaired.  Supplemental enzymes with food may also help.

Nutritional Supplements:  ?If digestive disorders are compounding an allergy, which is usually the case, they will need to be corrected before any significant improvements can occur. “I find that many people with such complaints suffer from deficiencies in vitamin A, certain B vitamins, zinc, magnesium and essential oils.” Dr. Braly says.  “Some people, especially as they get older or if their allergies are severe, also require digestive assistance in the form of pancreatic enzymes and hydrochloric acid, so supplementing each meal with them can be helpful as well”. Alternatively, plant-derived enzymes like bromelain (from pineapple) or papain (from papaya) may be helpful.  Both zinc and vitamin A play an important role in the production of IgA, an antibody secreted from the salivary glands in the mouth and from cells that line the digestive tract. If you are zinc and vitamin A deficient you produce less IgA and therefore you susceptibility to food allergies increase.  Zinc also plays a role in the production of hydrochloric acid (HCI) which the body needs for digestion.

Another group of nutrients that Dr. Braly employs to treat allergies is vitamin P or certain bioflavonoids. “Bioflavonoids are some of the most effective anti-allergy nutrients that I’ve come across” he says.  “Many of my patients who are allergy prone, both to their diet and their environment, over time stop having allergic reactions once these bioflavonoids start taking effect.  Quercetin taken orally along with bromelain, vitamin C and glutamine has produced wonderful results”.

Finally, vitamin C in high doses can have a dramatic effect in improving allergy symptoms, particularly hay fever and asthma, due to its ability to counteract the inflammation responses that are part of such conditions.  Robert Cathcart III MD, who pioneered the technique of taking vitamin C to bowel tolerance, recommends its use for allergies.  In cases of more severe exposure he advises that the dose of vitamin C be increased as well.

Herbal Medicine:  There are a variety of herbs that offer relief from allergies, according to Dr. Thom.  Among those he employs are anticatarrhals, such as goldseal, red sage and goldenrod to help eliminate mucus; and astringents such as yarrow and myrrh to help to contract inflamed tissues and reduce secretions and discharges.  To Woodbridge, New Jersey, recommends Echinacea, astragalus root, goldenseal root and Pfaffia paniculata (Brazilian ginseng), a Brazilian herb that numerous studies prove is effective and safe for treating weakened immune systems.

Although herbal remedies have shown excellent results in reducing allergy symptoms, using herbs to treat allergies involves an individual approach, according to Dr. Thom “ No one herb will work for all allergy sufferers” he says, although some particularly effective anti-inflammatory herbs are stinging nettle, Ginkgo biloba and licorice.  Chinese skullcap, ephedra and feverfew are others to consider for treating allergy symptoms.  Patients whose conditions are severe should consult with a trained herbalist or naturopath.  A major symptom of allergies is gastrointestinal upset, including gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea.  These symptoms can be alleviated by demulcent herbs such as marshmallow, slippery elm bark, cabbage juice, okra, fenugreek and aloe vera.

Cayenne Pepper:  One of Dr. Braly’s favorite herbs is cayenne pepper. Dr. Braly has reversed allergies, including asthma, simply by instructing his patients to sprinkle liberal amounts of cayenne pepper on their meals.

Professional Care:  The following therapies should only be provided by a qualified health professional: Acupuncture, Applied Kinesiology, Ayurvedic Medicine, Biofeedback training and Neurotherapy, Chelation Therapy, Environmental Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Mind/Body Medicine, NAET, Orthomolecular Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Biological Dentistry, Bodywork, Craniosacral Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy and Oxygen Therapy.

Biological Dentistry:  It is believed that food allergies can be caused by the absorption of mercury by food as it is digested. Hal A Huggins reports the improvement or disappearance of food allergies after removing toxic dental mercury amalgams.

Bodywork:  therapies include reflexology and shiatsu

Craniosacral Therapy:  Used to treat nasal allergies

Magnetic Field Therapy:  Exposure to a negative magnetic field helps to neutralize the acidity of the blood associated with allergies.

Oxygen Therapy:  Hydrogen peroxide therapy.

Desensitization Techniques:  Many people with allergies will find that they require desensitization treatments to experience complete and possibly permanent remission of their symptoms.

Enzyme-Potentiated Desensitization (EPD):  According to Stephen B. Edelson MD, EPD is the most effective therapy for all allergies ever developed. This therapy trains the immune system to be nonreactive to substances that usually provoke allergic symptoms and is used in at least 12 countries.  An allergic patient is given a series of tiny injections of a wide variety of allergens from a single category. EPD has successfully been used to treat about 50 conditions and significantly reduces one’s intolerance to allergenic foods; it does not necessarily eliminate all possibility of reacting to them.

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET):  This therapy relies on altering energy flow through the body to treat symptoms of allergy and sensitivity.  By examining the energy pathways, also called acupuncture meridians, practitioners are able to diagnose allergy/sensitivity triggers. Applied kinesiology, acupressure, acupuncture and chiropractic are then used to alter the energy flow in an allergic body.

The secret to NAET is to retrain your brain and nervous system to no longer to react to the offending substance. “We can reprogram our brains to perceive unsuitable energies as suitable ones and use them for our benefit rather than allow them to cause energy blockages and imbalances”.  Dr. Nambudripad reports that NAET alone has entirely relieved allergy symptoms or produced satisfactory improvements in 80-90% of her patients.

Acupuncture:  In a study 102 patients with allergic rhinitis were treated with acupuncture needles containing allergen extracts for two sessions.  On the third session the patients were exposed to the allergen.  Allergic reactions were significantly reduced compared to before the treatment.  The researchers monitored these patients for two years, at which time it was determined that 72% of the patients no longer reacted to the allergens, while 24% had improved significantly.

Homeopathy:  Homeopathy has widespread applications for the treatment of allergens.  In many situations, minute diluted doses of the substance a person is allergic to can be prepared as a homeopathic solution that triggers the body’s natural ability to heal itself.  Dr. Chaitow confirms that hay fever sufferers have been shown to reduce or prevent their reactions by beginning a course of homeopathic pollen supplements a few months before the pollen count rises.  Homeopathic remedies are best prescribed by a competent homeopath.  “You have to take an overview of the entire patient and can’t afford to overlook anything” Dr. Royal.

Probiotics:  Imbalances of intestinal flora are common among allergy sufferers.  To normalize this situation, Dr. Chaitow stresses the need to restore bowel flora balance with a daily program of probiotics, or the use of friendly bacteria that inhabit the intestines under healthy conditions.  Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, and the Bifidobacteria are the key players in this process Dr. Chow says, to be effective, probiotic supplements should be freeze-dried, contain only the declared and desirable strains of the species and have concentrations of the friendly bacteria of about one billion parts per gram. The should also be kept refrigerated.

Allergy prevention strategies for children:

Breast Feeding:  According to most alternative medicine practitioners, one of the best ways to decrease the likelihood of developing allergies later in life is to feed an infant on mother’s milk. Postponing the introduction of solid foods and prolonging breast-feeding gives an infant’s immune system enough to time adequately mature.

Food substitutes:  Research shows that the vast majority of kids with chronic earaches & sinus infections are allergic to wheat, dairy, and beef.  So eliminating or reducing these foods will help bring healing. Alternative food choices are yogurt, soymilk, lactaid milk, rice, oats, and etc.

Limiting or eliminating proteins from cow products and replacing them with easily digestible proteins such as yogurt, and beans.  Also, protein powder drinks chock full of essential and nonessential amino acids that do not need to be digested only absorbed, are very important.  For instance, the amino acids Lysine, methionine, Tryptophan, and phenylalanine are needed by the immune system to produce antibodies.  Since amino acids are the basic building blocks of all cells, then lack thereof equals lower T-Cell count and the end result is chronic ear aches, sinusitis and allergies.

Avoid Early Immunization:  Currently in the United States, conventional doctors require that a series of immunization shots be started when an infant is two months old.  The first vaccines given are hepatitis B, DPT, influenza type B and polio.  In total, an average American child is vaccinated against ten childhood diseases and receives up to 21 shots over a course of the first 15months of life.  It is well documented that certain vaccines cause immediate allergic reactions in some children; these range from temporary discomfort to death.  If you choose not to have your child vaccinated you should obtain a medical, religious or philosophical exemption since immunization is compulsory in many states.

Allergy Proof Your House:

1. Keep windows closed, especially during “allergy season”

2. Avoid tobacco smoke

3. Achieve ideal relative humidity: use air conditioning and dehumidification to help reduce mold production, if your home is too damp; if your home is too dry use a humidifier.

4. Use air filters (electrostatic precipitators and high-efficiency particular air or HEPA) and ionizing air purifiers to remo0ve particulate matter and odors from the air

5. An ozone air purifier can be used in a room where there are no people, animals or plants while the purifier is running.

6. Use low-toxicity mite-specific exterminating chemicals such as tannic acid.

7. Wash pillows, blankets and other bedding monthly in hot water

8. Use washable, organic cotton pillows and enclose mattress and box bring in plastic mite-proof covers.

9. Remove stuffed animals from the bed

10.    Remove bedroom carpeting or treat carpet with tannic acid, which denatures allergens

11.    Eliminate exposure to pets or at least restrict pets’ access to the bedroom


Rife and Zapper Frequencies:  Respiratory Hypersensitivity: 0.06, 0.55, 0.70, 9.87, 74.50, 130.00, 240.00, 490.00, 675.29, 879.50

The Dr. Clark Cleasnes – especially the Parasite and Liver cleanses are very helpful.

There is also quite a bit of research out that is linking GMOs to Allergies.  So, buy organic and stay away from GMOs, far away.


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